When I was younger, it was all about looking good – slavishly following the latest fashion trends, keeping up with what’s hot when it came to my hair and desperately dieting to squeeze into a size 8. I think you’ll agree, your 20s and 30s can be quite exhausting!

Luckily as I hit my 50s, those things became far less important and my urge to look and feel healthy – rather than trying to appear younger – took over. Having battled with my weight for as long as I can remember I now sustain a dress size I’m very happy with, while my lack of confidence that resulted from not conforming to an “ideal” body shape is very much consigned to history”.
What's s lovely is that I’m aware many of my friends feel the same as I do. Of course at our age there’s the menopause to navigate, but there’s also the freedom that brings too. As children fly the nest, they have started to prioritise themselves once again. No more taxi rides to endless after school clubs, no more tidying up after the teens, instead they can put themselves first.
One friend, a single mum since her two were toddlers, is relishing the new found freedom she’s experiencing as her children prepare to leave home – and it’s meant she feels in a much healthier place, both physically and mentally.
“Being a mum is hard, and being a single mum is harder still. It meant that I was at the bottom of the pile for too long and as a result my health suffered. When I hit 45 I knew I had to do something for me so I started eating better and exercising regularly. I lost four stone and have managed to maintain that for six years now.
“It’s hard to describe the joy of living my life for me again – I’m fitter, healthier and happier at 51 than I ever was. I go to Pilates and the gym without having to organise a babysitter. I spend child-free time with my partner without feeling the least amount of guilt. And most importantly, I’m at one with my body. OK, it shows the battle scars of having had children and a big weight loss, so while I look my age, I know I look good for my age.”
It seems my friends and I are not alone. A new report by Avon reveals nearly 60% of women aged over 40 now prioritise looking healthy over looking young, finally taking control over the narrative of ageing. The study quizzed women across seven countries and three continents to find out what ageing means in 2022. Three in five of those in asked in the UK said they felt their confidence has improved as they have grown older, with more than half agreeing that age is not something to fear, rather they are learning to appreciate it. Other findings included: 52% of women link feeling powerful with self-confidence; while 41% link it to being financially stable.
I come from a generation of women who witnessed their mothers ditch their careers for their husbands and children, only to find that when they reached middle age they had little to celebrate. The great news is things have changed, and us 40- and 50-somethings are trailblazing a path for our daughters and granddaughters to follow. To learn that beauty is about health, maturity and the wisdom that brings, rather than youthful good looks, is something we should all keep close to our hearts.
It seems right to leave the last word to the fabulous Helen Mirren: “Your 40s are good. Your 50s are great. Your 60s are fab. And 70 is f*cking awesome.”
As one of the leading cosmetic aestheticians in the region, I offer an extensive catalogue of treatments designed to leave you looking your beautiful best … whatever your age. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss how I can help. You can also find out more about my SEN Weight Management Programme here.