• Red, itchy eyelid margins.
• Eye irritation.
• Watering.
• Cysts (chalazia) and styes.
• Eyelash loss and irregularity of the eyelid margin contour.
The inflammation may be centered around the eyelid skin or oil (Meibomian) glands which produce oil to slow down evaporation of the tear film and prevent dry eye.
If you wear cosmetics, ensure you cleanse of every trace with a gentle cleanser (iS Clinical cleansers are ideal for this purpose).
Use warm damp compresses every day (twice daily if symptoms are particularly severe) to massage the eyelid margins. This will clean away debris from the lash roots and to help the Meibomian glands to empty, reducing the risk of obstruction and cyst formation.
This is a healthy routine that will help keep your eyelids and the ocular surface healthy and comfortable.
Should I see a doctor about my blepharitis?
If the measures above fail to alleviate symptoms or if the changes are localised to only one eyelid or area on the lid, it is advisable to see an Ophthalmologist who can prescribe topical +/- oral treatment for more severe cases and to exclude other conditions which may mimic blepharitis.
Dry Eye
• Advancing age: Tear production and blink rate slow down over time.
• Medications: e.g. certain antidepressants, antihistamines.
• Autoimmune diseases.
• Meibomian Gland Disease: often associated with rosacea.
• Central heating/air conditioning.
• Reduced blink: Neurological disorders.
• Visual attention: Reading and computer work reduce blink rate and increase tear evaporation.
Unfortunately, it is not usually possible to cure dry eye, but management or elimination may help. The good news is that for the vast majority of sufferers relief can be found with simple measures.
Topical lubricating eye drops and/or warm massage of the eyelids can improve the quality and quantity of the tear film. Lubricant drops are widely available over the counter and are effective and safe to use. Lubricant ointments are also available for night-time use. They have a thicker consistency so blur the vision. If using with other drops (e.g those prescribed for glaucoma) the ointment should be the last thing to be instilled before bed.
For contact lens wearers and those who require drops more frequently than 4 times daily, a non-preserved drop is recommended. Benzalkonium Chloride, a commonly used preservative, is not compatible with contact lenses and is toxic to the ocular surface in doses which exceed this.
As an Ophthalmologist I am both a physician and a surgeon. Eyes can be affected by many systemic diseases and a holistic approach is very important in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
I have included below some information you may find helpful. This is not an exhaustive list and if you have questions about any other issues I may be able to help you with please click on the link below to make an enquiry or appointment.